I got to take a nice little getaway to SUNNY WARM Phoenix a few weekends ago. It was SOOOO nice to get away and not go to work! Colette is a good friend and roommate of 2 years up at BYU-Idaho. She found her prince charming and they tied the knot! I was one of her bridesmaids. Here are just a few quick snapshots I took at her beautiful backyard reception.

Her "cupCAKE" wedding cake was BEAUTIFUL. What a sight!
Oh I also got to stay with my good friend Jen and her cute little family after the wedding for a few days. Her CUTIE of a little boy was such a doll and made sure to entertain me while I was at his place. Jen and her hubby were so sweet to take care of me and drive me around town. I am SO wishing I was back there now...so nice and warm! It is FREEZING here today and raining!!!!
What a cool idea for a wedding cake! I totally love it!
how fun. she looked beautiful and im so happy for her.
does she and her hubby have a blog?
and hows the tummy?
awww, colette is married now! how exciting :) i want to see your tummy, you should be taking a picture of it from the side every week from now on. i miss you guys. it appears i may be coming home to live for a while after graduation. we'll see.
looks like fun! i wish i could have been there! is your hair short now? it kinda looks like it in the pics. hope things are going well - love you!
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