So we had a 6 month old / Easter photo shoot this last week! My mom and I had so much fun dressing her up and posing her. My mom put one of my big pink flower headbands on her and it was so perfect we left it on! I couldn't have gotten those adorable smiles without Mom : )
Jayda has been doing great. She can almost sit up by herself completely and is getting stronger everyday. She has been eating rice cereal, sweet potatoes and is now onto avocados! She has definitely improved with her tummy time and can push all the way up on her arms now. She LOVES music and dancing. She is very vocal but also a good listener. She has so much personality and is such a happy baby. She keeps us on our toes and entertained all day. In other words, we love her soooooo much!!!!!

She is beautiful! What cute pictures! It sounds like you are happy happy out in California! We're not too far anymore!
These pictures are soo cute! I love them! She is so pretty! See you today at lunch!
I'm telling you, every other baby has to be jealous of all these beautiful pictures! :) i want you to take pictures of mine some day.
love you!
So adorable! Jeri
SOOO cute
OMG ADORABLE!! I love them! Especially the b/w with pink flower one. So cute!
Oh MY gosh!!!! Lora! I am so glad you found me! HOW!?!? I have thought a ton about you over the years, wishing that there was a way to get a hold of you and see what you were up to. The last I heard was that you were in a married ward in Rexburg of someone I knew. (I can't even remember who that was now). So, you moved to Cali and then to Kentucky and now back to Cali? I read all you blog :)
Congratulations on you little angel! She is so precious and I love her name. What a lucky girl you are :)
Are you still doing photography? I always wondered what the girls in our major have done with it. I do babies, families, etc now. Totally not what I wanted to do with it, but it is still fun and I love it now! check it out and tell me what you think :) It'd be nice to have someone to talk to about it again!
So how do you know Laura? Her brother is Zak's best friend from mission/college. How funny! I always wondered about you too. I thought you'd be some hot shot fashion photographer or something crazy like that... which you still can be because you really are SO TALENTED! I always loved being in classes with you and seeing what creative thing you would do next. By the way, I always wondered what your BFA was? I was sad to leave and not see yours and Meggan's BFA. I think you will pick it back up so easily. Having a baby is hard and keeps you busy for a long time, but when she starts to grow a little more and become more independent, you will have lots of time on you hands. That's what happened to me anyway... and I wanted to do something about it. I just thought that even though we weren't taught portrature, weddings, etc doesn't mean that I couldn't do it. I know how to use my camera and how to compose an image so into what pays is the first thing that got me back... and also just because I love it and missed it really bad. I know you feel the same way!
I can't believe I am using the same camera as I did in school. Aren't you too? I can't remember if you had the Canon then or something else. I have been saving up since September from all the shoots and I am almost ready to buy a new one! I am stoked! :) I'm just not sure what to get. I was looking at the Nikon D90 but its only 12 megapixels and there is 18 out there now! But, one thing I have learned is that it really is about your lenses. I want to get new ones so bad... mine were just kit lenses and they aren't anything special. I can't wait for my new ones!
That is so exciting that you are doing a wedding! That terrifies me. Always has. I even worked for a wedding photographer when we graduated and moved to Utah. But I had someone there to help me and push me. (her name was Laura too... haha) I just hate all that pressure. But you are amazing and will do great! I honestly have learned so much outside of school (where we just learned basics of how to use our camera and compositions and photoshop). I look at some blogs and websites that help me out a TON. The Pioneer Woman is an amazing teacher. I don't know if you have heard of her, but I refer tons of people to her because she has a website where she shares tricks and teaches you about shutter speeds, apetures, ISO's, WB, etc. Everything that you may have forgotten. Her link is on my blog down at the bottom under "my favorite pastimes". Then just click on her photography section.
What I have learned to do in photoshop now changes things a lot. You can take a great picture and have all the aspects you need for a good image... and just enhance them in photoshop. Like eyes... you asked about. I use an free action from the Pioneer Woman called "Bring on the eyes" and it makes then lighter in the middle. Then I use an action called "sharpen this" and it brings out the whites and blacks. Making eyes look amazing! I smooth skin, brighten colors, sharpen it... etc. ALl using actions from her. We never learned how to do all of that in school and she teaches you how!
Keep checking my photoblog for tutorials this summer :) I want to share what I know from this amazing woman!
Anyway... speaking of a novel! :) I'm not on facebook :( I was but never used it. I am thinking of getting one for my photography. So I'll find you when I do that! e-mail me and we can chat lots more about anything and everything! I am so happy to find you again! haha... that makes me sound weird and crazy... but I really did miss you!
Such beautiful pictures! Are you guys coming to the family reunion? I'd love to see your family.
awwwww love that sweet girl. I think I'm her favprite person she doesn't like to hold :)
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