Pete and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary this last week. We went to dinner at the same place we ate at after we got engaged in a hot air balloon! We had some good italian food : )

Here I am at 36 weeks. Definitely ready for Miss Jayda to get here!
Oh Lora, you are just too cute pregnant, it's NOT fair! Best of luck in the days to come. Can't wait to see pix of that little baby...
Jayda is a very cute name and you and Pete will make great parents! Congrats on your anniversary.
Congrats on the 3 years! You look so good and cute in your pic! She is coming so soon! I am so excited!
Girl you are just all belly. You look adorable.
Happy Anniversary! We are all excited about your little baby girl making her first appearance soon. Our prayers and good thoughts are always with you.
Hey, it looks like you are close to the big day! Can't wait to hear about how it all went good luck to you three!
Jayda is such a cute name! You are so cute and look like you are going to topple over!!! Only a few more weeks to go... Good luck with everything and I totally understand if you don't post for at least a month. Be sure to sleep when the baby does, the house work can wait.
Just 5ish days to go! Can you believe it's almost here!!! I hope you are doing well and we can't wait to see your baby girl on here soon! Good luck!
So stay happy in your future life too.
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