The managers decided to hold a "Jeopardy" meeting/training session for everyone at work. However, they all felt they needed to have a connection with Alex growing out mustaches. They grew out their goatees or didn't shave at all for around 2 weeks and then shaped their facial hair into a sweeeet 'stache. Ha! I think Pete hated it more than I did! He just hated having so much hair on his face the whole time. The end result was hilarious and turned out to be the best meeting we've ever had a t work! Good job guys!

I have no words.....

I'll be honest, even though I'm not a fan of the 'stache he's still SO cute!

We finished off the day with a yummy dinner at O' Charleys. Pete shaved as soon as he got home :)
lol oh gross.
lora, you have that pregnancy glow :)
wow vote for pete!!!
oh sick. I mean, Pete, love ya, but i'm happy to hear that you'll be staying away from the stache in the future!
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