Ok so here she is!! Sorry for the LAME pictures but it's after midnight and I wanted to make this quick....so a picture of a picture will have to do for now :) We got this cheesy little frame from the Dr.'s office and thought it would be cute! Ha! Anyway, here she is! I thought this one looked a little like an alien but everyone thinks it looks a little like Pete, or me, or both of us...haha, so there you go, one happy little alien family mushed into one person.

So this is the "confirmation" that she is a she! It was actually the first thing we saw as soon as they started the ultrasound. Basically a pic of her bum from the underside with her little legs spread wide....Pretty exciting!

She was moving and kicking and kept putting her hand in front of her face...camera shy. Poor baby...her mom is going to have a camera stuck in her face for at least the first few months! I wasn't expecting to have the 4-D ultrasound but the tech just did it! It was awesome! And we didn't have to pay extra for it.

I had a feeling it was a girl the whole time. Pete said he did too but never told me...he of course wanted a boy, but we are ECSTATIC for a sweet little girl! It is going to be so much fun being her mommy! She checked out looking great. 12 oz. Still set to join us on Sept. 29th : )