Yes, I do realize that pretty much every single pic I post is of Jayda....I can't help it : )
She is getting so big and I just want to capture every single thing she does on camera, stills or video, either works! I'm crazy, I know...I figured I have taken over 2,000 photos of her in her first year, judging by my photo count in iphoto! Someone take me to a therapist, pronto!

So I got a new lens and I was excited to use it. Canon 85mm 1.8! Naturally I would have tested it out on Jayda but she was napping, so Beasley was the next best thing! I am loving it!

So I finally got to use it on my baby. She gave me the best smile! Well, she actually gave it to my mom, who can pretty much always get her to smile...Still has 6 teeth.

Happy Birthday a few weeks ago! She is my life and I can't believe it's been a year. We are so lucky to have this sweet girl in our lives. She is walking, talking and totally knows how to throw a fit : )

I can kiss those cheeks all day.