We made it to CA! We are sooo happy here and are loving being near family and old friends. My bro, Michael, flew out to KY to help us with packing and everything. He flew home with me, Jayda and the 2 dogs....I couldn't have done it without him! In the meantime Pete and his Dad drove the UHaul and pulled our car behind it. They unfortunately got caught in that horrible snow storm in Flagstaff, AZ. They had to drive like 30 mph for about 6 hours or so since there was sooo much snow! I wish they didn't have to drive through that but I am sooooo glad we didn't have to drive through that with Jayda. Anyway, we all arrived home safe and sound!
We are pretty much settled for now and are going through some new stages with our cutie pie.

She's still not a fan of "tummy time" but she puts up with it for a little while if she has toys to distract her....She's getting stronger and reaching for everything!!! Once she's got hold of it then it goes straight to her mouth! She's also trying to sit up a lot more and can do a pretty good job with a little assistance.

Still has those baby blues!

She's still losing her hair but she's still adorable!